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        今天搭车返工,车上无事便看看之前下载在手机的狼图腾。         影中的陈阵说他懦弱吧,他敢下狼窝掏狼崽仔,还敢养起来,被咬了还不知怕。勇敢吧,看到狼就萎了,也不敢反抗包顺贵。         他其实是个固执己...



The true hero, firstly to be a great father----the feeling after the film, 《The Patriot》

The true hero, firstly to be a great father----the feeling after the film, 《The Patriot》
        The Patriot created a great general fighting for freedom and also a kindly father with seven children, Benjamin Martin. He was very brave, heroic and skilful in battle. But what I admire isn't his courage but his love for his children. At first, he definitely said that he didn't agree to go to war with England, he said there are alternatives like that we can plead wit...