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一、戏曲         中国戏曲在世界文化丛林中别具一格。虽说西方也有戏剧,但主要是话剧,与中国传统的戏剧截然不同,中国戏剧不仅有像西方话剧那样的对白,还有说唱对唱,服饰道具也有显著的民族特色,其充分表现了中国的服装、打扮、口技、武打等等方面的文化。   &n...

prisoner's dilemma

prisoner's dilemma
生活中的囚徒困境         生活中有不少类似囚徒困境的例子。例如在我们生活中经常可以看到有人随地扔垃圾,即使垃圾箱就在其身边,此时的路人就是博弈论中的局中人,他们有两种选择;旁观和批评教育。为了方便起见,假设只有两个路人A和B。此博弈的支付是若某局中人挺身而出去批评教...

End eventually!

End eventually!
Want to type, so type:  "All the class are mad!" my dorm mates said last night. Indeed, we were all doing themathematical contest in modeling all-night, and had little results. I shouldn't have taken part in the contest, because we are studying the elementary integrals, and I can't use it at my will. What's worse, the matlab software occured errors frequently, it'll spend me lots of time on solving the...