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        人生应该过一种怎样生活才算做是一种快乐的生活呢?         我很小很小的时候,大概由于身体不好的原因吧,在阴雨或寒冷的天气里鼻子经常堵塞,呼吸不顺畅,睡觉很不舒服,于是认为健康就是快乐,在晴朗的日子里,走出到田野草坡上呼吸着新鲜的空气,自...

The true hero, firstly to be a great father----the feeling after the film, 《The Patriot》

The true hero, firstly to be a great father----the feeling after the film, 《The Patriot》
        The Patriot created a great general fighting for freedom and also a kindly father with seven children, Benjamin Martin. He was very brave, heroic and skilful in battle. But what I admire isn't his courage but his love for his children. At first, he definitely said that he didn't agree to go to war with England, he said there are alternatives like that we can plead wit...